
The Dutch Internet Standards Platform pays a lot of attention to the accessibility of We want to offer all information in such a way that everyone can view and use it.

Report accessibility audit

The website was audited for accessibility by the Dutch Accessibility Foundation at the end of 2018. The findings are included in the report "WCAG 2 study - level AA" (in Dutch) d.d. 14 November 2018. Based on these findings, the Internet Standards Platform has implemented a number of improvements for the accessibility of

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Découvrez les sites référents pour la cybersécurité en Bretagne.

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Le site officiel de l’extension internet bretonne .bzh

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Breizh Cyber

Le site de référence en Bretagne pour tout incident de cybersécurité

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Bretagne Cyber Alliance

Le site portail des acteurs bretons de la cybersécurité

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