Criteria for 'Hall of Fame for Hosters'

Criteria for listing

A hoster who would like to be listed in the Hall of Fame for Hosters must meet the criteria below.

  1. Hoster's domain 2x 100%: The hoster's own domain name, on which the company website is active, scores 100% in both the website test and the email test on;
  2. Offering of hosting services: The hoster explicitly offers hosting services for websites and e-mail on it's company website without limitations in the customer audience (like societies and clubs);
  3. Customer domains 2x 100%: The hoster offers its customers the possibility to score 100% in both the website test and email test on;
  4. Trade register: The hoster's company name is mentioned as a trade name in the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce or in a similar foreign trade register;
  5. Only per request: Inclusion in this Hall of Fame is voluntary and can be requested by the hoster by sending an e-mail to

Other rules

  • Badge: Only hosters listed in this Hall of Fame for Hosters are allowed to use the compliant badge in their own communications. In case you want to use the badges on your website, the domain of that website has to correspond with the entry listed in the Hall of Fame.
  • Order: The names of the hosters in the Hall of Fame are shown in random order.

Automated compliance checks

The dashboard is used to regularly check if the hosters listed in the Hall of Fame for Hosters are still on a double 100% score (mail and web) for the own domain. This is an automated check and will be performed twice per month. The test reports for the listed hosters are publicly available.


Non-compliant hosters will be manually delisted based on the following criteria and rules:

  • If the test results for either web or mail are below 100% for 3 consecutive scans (approximately 6 weeks) regardless of which subtests are failing.
  • When we weigh new (sub)tests into our overall test score (the percentage), we will provide a grace period of 2 months (from the date of weighing) for hosters in our Hall of Fame to become fully compliant (double 100% score).
  • Delisting occurs for a period of at least 3 months, after which the hosters needs to manually reapply to be listed again.
  • The hosters contact person will receive a notification of the delisting.
  • There will be no communication prior to the delisting; it is the hoster's responsibility to make sure (and check) whether the own domain is still on a double 100% score (for mail and web).

If there is another reason why a hoster should not be listed in our Hall of Fame for Hosters, please send an email to using proper argumentation.

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