Explanation of test report

Norm and score

What norm is Internet.nl using?

Internet.nl checks the (correct) implementation of modern Internet Standards that improve the reliability of online services. A score of 100% means that a website, e-mail service or internet connection complies with our test norm. This norm is based on the list of open standards mandatory for governments maintained by the Netherlands Standardisation Forum, on the security advices of NCSC-NL and on the relevant RFCs of IETF.

Does a 100% score mean compliance with all mandatory Internet standards?

Please note that a 100% score does not necessarily mean compliance with all mandatory Internet standards for Dutch government organisations. This is because not all mandatory Internet standards are (fully) tested, also because this is sometimes impossible or very difficult. Furthermore, certain mandatory Internet standards may be tested but are not yet included in the score.

Will the norm be adjusted?

The test norm of Internet.nl will be adjusted over time as the state of the art changes. Adjustments will be announced through news items on our website. New subtests will (usually) not impact the score after their initial release and have the 'RECOMMENDED' or 'OPTIONAL' status. In the future these new items could get the 'REQUIRED' status and weigh in the overall score.

How does the score relate to security?

Although many of the tested Intern Standards contribute to a higher security level of your website, mail service or internet connection, a 100% score does not mean that an online service is fully secure. There are more aspects which are important for the security of your online services. But these are out of scope for Internet.nl. Please keep in mind that Internet.nl is intended as a standards compliance test and not as a security test.

How is the test report structured?

Internet.nl contains three main tests, i.e. for websites, mail services and internet connections. These main tests consist of test categories that include subtests. For example, one of the main tests is the website test which contains a test category on HTTPS that has a subtest on HSTS.

A subtest can have one of the following three requirement levels (in conformance with RFC 2119):

  • REQUIRED ('must')
  • RECOMMENDED ('should')
  • OPTIONAL ('may')

When a subtest is either 'RECOMMENDED' or 'OPTIONAL', this is mentioned in the test explanation.

How is the percentage score calculated?

  • Each main test is resulting in an overall percentage score.
  • Every test category of a main test weighs evenly in the overall percentage score. So if a main test consists of five test categories, the maximum score for every test category is 20%.
  • Only the subtests with the status 'REQUIRED' weigh in the score of a test category and in the overall percentage score.
  • Websites with a perfect score of 100% will be added to the Hall of Fame.

Icons per test category

Passed : Good: passed all subtests ⇒ full score in test category
Failed : Bad: failed at least one REQUIRED subtest ⇒ no full score in test category
Recommendation : Warning: failed at least one RECOMMENDED subtest ⇒ full score in test category
Information : Informational: failed at least one OPTIONAL subtest ⇒ full score in test category
Error : Test error: execution error for at least one subtest ⇒ no result in test category

Icons per subtest

Passed : Good: pass on REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED or OPTIONAL subtest ⇒ first: full score / latter two: no score impact
Failed : Bad: fail on REQUIRED subtest ⇒ null score
Recommendation : Warning: fail on RECOMMENDED subtest ⇒ no score impact
Information : Informational: fail on OPTIONAL subtest ⇒ no score impact
Error : Test error: error encountered during testing ⇒ null score
Not testable : Not tested, because already failed related parent subtest ⇒ null score

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